Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nick Vujicic
A quadriplegic named ... Nick Vujicic ...

... he was born with no arms or legs - but he doesn't let the details stop him.
 The brave 26-year-old - who is mainly torso - plays football and golf, swims, and surfs, despite having no limbs.
 Nick has a small foot on his left hip which helps him balance and enables him to kick.

He uses his one foot to type, write with a pen and pick things up between his toes.

Nick Vujicic (Facebook link) is where he has an online Northland Church services at http://www.northlandchurch.net/  and refers to a radio program he is just about to go on, a mainstream radio platform in Orlando, Florida, called "Monsters in the Morning" on 104.1FM. 

Here are some other websites about him too.


Reminder: E.S. Posthumus is AWESOME ...

Serene Relaxation -> (Raptamei Pi) http://youtu.be/HfT0toz9u3E

Powerfully Energizing -> http://www.ESPosthumus.com